Nikolaos Myriounis

Nikolaos Myriounis is a Captain Hellenic Navy OF-5 (retired). Since 2004 and up to his retirement in 2022, He served as the Standardisation Manager of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff/Defence Planning and Programming Directorate. On this basis, he was appointed as the Hellenic Representative to the NATO Standardization Management Group (SMG) and the Senior NATO Committee for Standardization (CS).

At a national level, he was appointed as Head of Defence Standardization Management and the formulation of Interoperability Requirements in the Defence Planning Process. In this framework, he took over the custodianship of the Hellenic Armed Forces Interoperability Strategy, the Defence Standardization Ministerial Guidance, the Hellenic Armed Forces Standardization Education and Training Program and the Hellenic Armed Forces Terminology Regulation. In 2013, he designed, led and successfully executed the “Hellenic Armed Forces Standardization Year”, receiving the GRC CHOD’s honourable commendation.

In 2015, Mr. Myriounis led a Drafting Team in charge of the development of the NATO Policy for Standardization approved by the North Atlantic Council in 2016. In 2017, he led the custodial team for the development of the NATO Strategy for Enhancing Standardization, approved by the NATO Authorities in August 2018.

In 2016, he was appointed as the custodian of the Action Plan on Strengthening Education and Training on NATO Standardization, approved by the NATO Authorities in early 2017. Since then and up to his retirement, he performed the duties of the Course Director to the NATO Standardization Accredited training Courses “Drafting, Production and Maintenance of NATO Standards” and “NATO Use of Civil Standards”.


In parallel, and since 2007, he performs the duties of the instructor to the Master Course “Standardization within NATO” conducted by the Warsaw Military University of Technology (MUT).

In January 2019, he was appointed as the 1st Chairperson of the NATO Standardization Education Panel and, in March 2021, was appointed as the 1st Chairperson of the European Defence Standardization Education Project Team.

He served for 12 years in the Hellenic Fleet as Head Weapons and Fire Control Supervisor. During this period, he participated in NATO Operations “Desert Storm”, “Active Endeavour” and “Enduring Freedom” where he was awarded medals by NATO, the UN, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Also served as an Intelligence Officer at the Western European Union Military Staff HQs in Brussels from 1997 to 1999.

He graduated from all career schools within the Hellenic Navy, as well as schools related to NATO Staff Officers and Standardization Management in Germany (NATO School Oberammergau) and Poland (MUT). Since his retirement in mid-2022, he performs the duties of the DSA CEO.

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