Magnus Hakvåg

Magnus Hakvåg is the CEO of House of Knowledge (HOK) and an expert in Innovation, IP, Standards, and Competitiveness with over 21 years of international experience, focusing on capability building and advanced applied training.

He acted as a consultative body for the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and commerce on IPR and Standards.  At present, he is the Convener for Innovation Terminology at ISO TC 279, an expert at ISO TC 37 and CEN TC 389, and a member of ISO TMBG CCCC. 

Magnus Hakvåg has participated in the European Commission’s Project “Joint Initiative for Standardization – Action 3″ with regards to programs for education and training on standardization and awareness of standardization”.

Through ISO TC 279 he was involved in the revision of OECD Oslo Manual 4ed 2018. 

Magnus Hakvåg originally holds an MSc. in Biophysics and Medical technology from NTNU.

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