DSA is honored to announce that DSA CEO Captain Hellenic Navy (ret) Nikolaos Myriounis, and DSA Associate Col DEU ARMY (ret) Dieter Schmaglowski have conducted the “Standardization within NATO” Course organized by the Swedish Defence Material Agency (FMV) through 18 – 22 Nov 2024 in Stockholm.
STANDARDIZATION WITHIN NATO course is offered to the staff with certain initial experience in standardization or no experience but a strong interest in gaining knowledge on NATO standardization.
The course aims at presenting the organization and principles of NATO standardization, its relationship with Interoperability, types of standardization documents and their development process.
During the course, the relationship between standardization and NATO defence planning is broadly discussed. The course presents also how standardization is organized in different NATO Allies’ defence establishments.
25 Staff Officers from the Swedish Armed Forces have participated in this course.
Education and training of personnel involved in NATO‘s standardization activities is crucial for ensuring that NATO‘s standardization portfolio is relevant and meets the requirements of our commanders and warfighters when engaged in multinational operations.