The Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDGS) is organizing the educational module “NATO Use of Civil Standards Workshop”, under the auspices of the NATO Standardization Management Group (SMG) and with the guidance of the NATO Committee of Standardization (CS). The workshop will take place between the 07-09 Feb 23, in Athens.

The workshop is included in the CS “Action Plan on Strengthening Education and Training on NATO Standardization” and the aim is to provide awareness of the NATO Standardization Policy, Structure, and Procedures, focusing on the adoption of Civil Standards. This event contributes to bringing together the NATO standardization community, Civil standards community, and Industry.

The workshop will be focused on Emerging and Disruptive Technologies (EDTs) and Innovation. More specifically, the workshop will be organized in four different panels, to dedicated domains, such as EDTs in Operations, Artificial Intelligence & Big Data, Biotechnology, and Innovation.

To preview the invitation for participation, please visit the HNDGS Website at