DSA is proud to participate in the NATO Use of Civil Standards Workshop, to be...
DSA is thrilled to announce the initiation of a cooperation agreement with the European Telecommunication...
DSA is honored to announce that DSA CEO Captain Hellenic Navy (ret) Nikolaos Myriounis, and DSA...
DSA was proud to support the NATO PILOT Course “Building Up Interoperable Capabilities for NATO...
DSA Associate Col DEU ARMY (ret) Dieter Schmaglowski led and orchestrated the overall Course Curriculum, while DSA...
To achieve such capabilities, standardization can be a powerful tool. Standardization and the application of...
Senior NATO Standards Custodians from Member States and Partners, from NATO Command Structure Entities as...
According to HNDGS, the training was carried out by specialized instructors of HNDGS, the Allied...
The European Defence Agency (EDA) is organising the 1st in-person Pilot Training Course on “European...
The first Conference on “Standards in Defence Procurement” was successfully completed at the facilities of the Ministry...