It is essential for a defence standardization organization to launch and operate the necessary tools (databases, collaborative platforms, and tracking tools) for the development and implementation of defence standards, the management of standardization projects towards facilitating the defence capabilities to born interoperable. In this section we are presenting well known defence standardization management tools.

NATO Standardization Documents Database (NSDD)[1]

NSDD provides consolidated storage of all NATO standardization documents and their related information, including national ratification and implementation data. An extract from the NSDD showing only the promulgated documents, bearing security classification appropriate for release to the public can be found following the link

European Defence Standards Reference System (EDSTAR)[2]

EDSTAR has been established by the European Defence Agency in 2011. EDA’s participating Member States are the shareholders and consequently the Materiel Standardization Group (MSG) takes decision on any major change requests and proposals of EDSTAR. EDSTAR is to be used by governmental organizations and defence industry for the procurement of defence materiel (including development and production). EDSTAR provides guidance on the selection and use of standards and “standard-like” specifications to optimize effectiveness, efficiency, and interoperability of their application. EDSTAR is a means to consolidate the highly fragmented defence materiel market in Europe. Commonly accepted standards supports and promotes greater interoperability of defence equipment. If you are a member of governmental organization or defence industry you can visit EDSTAR following the link


The ASSIST-Online is a robust, comprehensive web site providing access to current information associated with military and federal specifications and standards in the management of the US Defence Standardization Program (DSP). ASSIST-Online provides public access to standardization documents over the Internet and includes many powerful reporting features and an exhaustive collection of both digital and warehouse documents. ASSIST is the official source of DoD specifications and standards. For more information on the ASSIST please visit the Official US DoD DSPO official website following the link


StanMIS is an online toolset providing a number of standardization tools and processes including a) Access to NATO Standards and UK Defence Standards b) STANAG Ratification and Implementation management c) Decision Support Tool d) Standardization Management Plans e) Helpdesk enquiries management f) Custom reporting tools. For more information on StanMis please request advice from the Official UK Defence Standardization StanMIS website following the link

[1] The information provided on NSDD is reproduced from the Official NATO Standardization Office  Website

[2] The information provided on EDSTAR is reproduced from the Official European Defence Agency  Website

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